Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Public School Licencing essays

Public School Licencing essays FOR POST SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS The purposes of the rules are: (a) To establish a procedure for the licensing of post secondary education institutions (colleges, universities, correspondence schools offering degrees, etc.) with the exception of the University of Wyoming and the Community Colleges of Wyoming (21-2-102 and 21-2-103) or any post-secondary post secondary education institution possessing current accreditation by a recognized and accepted accrediting agency. (b) To establish minimum standards for post secondary education institutions until accreditation by a recognized and accepted accrediting agency may be achieved. (c) To protect persons enrolled in a course of study in post secondary education These rules are promulgated pursuant to W.S. 21-2-401 and 403 of the Private School Licensing Act, and have been adopted by the Wyoming State Board of Education in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act (W.S. 16-3-101 through 16-3-115). They are effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. These rules govern the operation of all post secondary education institutions not accredited by a recognized and accepted accrediting agency as defined by rules of the Wyoming Department of Education, which are located within the state, or have their principal place of business out of state but do business in the state. These rules do not apply to any parochial, church, or religious school as defined by W.S. 21-4-101(a)(iv), home-based educational programs as defined by W.S. 21-4- BC 101(a)(v), aircraft flight training schools approved and authorized by the Federal Aviation Agency of the United States of America, or a school teaching techniques of outdoor recreation, leadership, ecology, or conservation domiciled in the state of Wyoming. nor do they apply to post secondary Instit accredited by a recognized and accepted accrediting agency ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Problemas de viajar fuera de USA con visa U

Problemas de viajar fuera de USA con visa U   Si has aplicado para una visa U para và ­ctimas de crà ­menes,  incluidos algunos casos de  violencia domà ©stica,  Ã‚  o si tu solicitud ha sido aprobada puede que desees viajar fuera de EEUU. Pero,  ¿se puede hacer? La respuesta es que nadie puede impedir que se viaje. Pero es muy aconsejable no hacerlo. La razà ³n es que puede que no puedas regresar a Estados Unidos. Incluso si puedes, tomar su tiempo porque tendrs que ir al consulado y esperar por los trmites correspondientes.   Por estos motivos, si ests en Estados Unidos y has pedido una visa U o si tu aplicacià ³n ha sido aprobada es muy recomendable que sà ³lo viajes   a otro paà ­s si es absolutamente necesario, siendo aconsejable que antes de viajar consultes tu caso con un abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista en este tipo de casos. Como este es un asunto muy serio, en este artà ­culo se explica quà © puede pasar si se viaja fuera de Estados Unidos, tanto mientras se tiene la solicitud de visa pendiente como si ya ha sido aprobada. Quà © se debe hacer si se necesita viajar  y tambià ©n quà © momento es el ideal para viajar.  ¿Quà © puede pasar si se viaja  fuera de Estados Unidos con visa U? Si sà ³lo has aplicado  por la visa U ante el USCIS mediante el envà ­o de la planilla (forma) I-918  pero todavà ­a no tienes respuesta y viajas fuera de Estados Unidos necesitars ir a una embajada o un consulado americano para obtener la visa para regresar. Pero el proceso puede demorarse meses. En estos casos hay que esperar por la decisià ³n del USCIS. y aprueba la solicitud, iniciar la tramitacià ³n del visado. Y eso en el caso de que se apruebe. Si la aplicacià ³n de la visa U ha sido aprobada y viajas despuà ©s de dicha aprobacià ³n al extranjero tambià ©n es necesario ir a una embajada o consulado americano   para poder regresar. Esto es asà ­ porque cuando el USCIS hizo su aprobacià ³n el à ºnico documento que entregà ³ fue un documento conocido como I-797C. Esto es simplemente una Nota de Accià ³n en la que se reconoce el estatus, pero no es una visa. Por lo tanto, hay que obtener una en una oficina consular de los Estados Unidos. Y este proceso puede demorarse meses. Adems, tanto en el caso de que se viaje fuera de EEUU cuando sà ³lo se tiene presentada la aplicacià ³n por la visa U como cuando se tiene aprobada la solicitud se corre un riesgo grande que que al presentarse al consulado la visa no sea aprobada. Las razones pueden ser variadas: Al estar en el extranjero no se ha recibido alguna notificacià ³n importante del USCIS.El gobierno considera que con este viaje se ha abandonado la peticià ³nEl gobierno dicen que al estar fuera se incumple con la obligacià ³n de colaborar con las autoridades, que es un requisito de este visado.Se puede considerar que no se sufre del alegado sufrimiento fà ­sico o psà ­quico que se ha alegado al solicitar la visa.  ¿Puedo viajar si antes de salir de Estados Unidos se solicita un advance parole? Esta opcià ³n sà ³lo es posible si la persona a la que se le ha aprobado la visa U ha pedido un ajuste de estatus mediante el envà ­o de la planilla I-485. Sà ³lo en este caso, y nunca antes, es posible solicitar  el advance parole. En todo caso resaltar que es necesario poder alegar razones vlidas para el viaje. No se trata de que simplemente se quiere ver a la familia, etc. Problemas muy serios a tener siempre en cuenta   Si un inmigrante ha permanecido en Estados Unidos ilegalmente por ms de seis meses seguidos se le va a aplicar el castigo de los tres y los diez aà ±os. Esto hace que sea muy problemtico salir del paà ­s porque puede ser dificilà ­simo volver a entrar hasta que pase el tiempo impuesto en el castigo. Y esto es asà ­ incluso en los casos en los que se viaja con un advance parole en mano y al llegar a las aduanas y fronteras de EEUU no se permite ingresar al paà ­s.  ¿Cundo se puede viajar sin problemas fuera de Estados Unidos? Realmente lo ideal es cuando ya se obtiene la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. La visa U puede transformarse despuà ©s de 4 aà ±os y mediante un ajuste de estatus en una residencia. Una vez que se obtienes ya se puede viajar y regresar a Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Buyer Behaviour - Analysis of The Ritz Hotel Assignment

Buyer Behaviour - Analysis of The Ritz Hotel - Assignment Example With reference to the Ritz Hotel this paper aims at evaluating how consumer motivation, perceptions, learning and attitude formation could influence purchasing. In order to attract the maximum number of customers, it is important for a business to have the knowledge of how rational consumers will make their decisions on consumptions. Consumers usually have specific desires and preferences that can always be represented by a numerical utility function. In the choices made by consumers, it can always be said that the they intend to solve an optimization problem. The optimization of choice usually has three components, namely: the object of choice, which refer to the specific thing being chosen; the objective function, which refers to the purpose the object is supposed to serve; and the constraints, which basically restrict a consumer’s choice of certain products (Foxall 2004, p. 92). In making choices, consumers are always inhibited by budget constraint. Budget constraint implies that consumers can only consume what they can afford. In relation budget constraint it can be said that the Ritz being a 5-star hotel and having the pricing policies is likely to be unattractive to low income earners. According to the Maslows hierarchy of needs, the choice of a consumer can also be affected by how much the product or service is of importance to their life(Tyagi & Kumar 2004, p. 111) However, Ritz Hotel is likely to be highly favored by user preference. In a situation where a consumer’s choice is not hindered by budget constraint they are likely to choose the services offered by the Ritz Hotel because of the high quality. For example, high minimum bets and entry fee for the casino have not hindered those who can afford it from visiting the casino. The preference will likely be as a result of the completeness and transitivity of the services

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How has Modern Technology improved Emergency Response Capabilities Assignment

How has Modern Technology improved Emergency Response Capabilities - Assignment Example The software development is focused to develop methods to generate high resolution fused data studies to create three-dimensional product view among other features for correct forecasting to generate accurate weather alerts, which is just one of the various features of the software development (NWS, 2012). Future is full of new possibilities in the fields of technology for emergency communication in the time of disasters. Technology advancements also offer new challenges to apply new innovations in the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) programs. The ongoing communications programs need to be revised for assimilating future additions of modern technology. Cyber Security & Communications (CS&C) has always played a leading part in the overall security of the nation’s 18 important infrastructure divisions under Homeland Security President Directive-7 (HSPD-7). CS&C is behind all the government communications programs related to priority services such as GETS, which is a White House initiated emergency telecommunications service, offering communications support to all government and non-government missions (DHS News, 2012). Emergency management in the context of interstate collaboration can better help in making a quick response to catastrophic disasters. Such an agreement named the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is based on mutual help in collaboration with other states, facilitating states to take collective action against natural and human disasters, mostly before the availability of federal disaster assistance. Emergency management can be well understood by discussing EMACs call to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to attend to the critical requirement for evaluation of emergency management at the local level. A studious evaluation of news reports, government papers, and reports from related organizations needs to be conducted to reach at some conclusion on the extent and way of EMACs execution and its conduct at the time of response functions.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Enron-The Smartest Guys in the Room paper Essay Example for Free

Enron-The Smartest Guys in the Room paper Essay Answer the following questions based on the film Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005). 1. (a) Describe the ownership structure at Enron. (b) How did the ownership structure contribute to the Enron scandal? (15 points) When Enron became a publicly traded company, the employees and executives had more incentive to manipulate earnings and financials. With the shift in structure, there were more external stakeholders to satisfy, which caused the company to focus on short-term results, rather than long-term interests. The company went as far as to trade all sorts of things, including weather and broadband, in order to gain support from investors. Enron got a lot of that support. Investment banks put about $25 million each into the company. With high stakes and image on the line, Enron manipulated earnings to drive stock prices up through mark-to-market accounting to please its stakeholders. 2.(a) Describe the following three leaders: Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling, and Andy Fastow. (b) How did EACH leader contribute to the scandal? (20 points) Ken Lay was a very ambitious man. He was the son of a poor Baptist preacher. Because of Lay’s humble roots, Lay worked several jobs as a kid. He always dreamed about being a businessman one day and making huge wealth for himself. Lay believed he could have a better life with more wealth. He also believed in government deregulation. Lay had a PhD in economics. He aggressively pushed for deregulation of energy markets in Washington. His goal was to liberate businessmen from government’s hold. He took advantage of government letting energy prices float with the market, and started Enron Corporation through a few mergers. Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron, was said to be â€Å"incandescently brilliant† by many at Enron. In reality, he was a risky, danger-seeking gambler. Skilling had a Darwinian view and strongly beli eved in the idea of â€Å"survival of the fittest†. He implemented a group called the Performance Review Committee. The committee was involved in the â€Å"rank and yank† system, in which the bottom 15 percent of the company got fired each year. This ultimately led to numerous unethical actions and turning a blind eye to fraud because of employees’ determination for job  security. Skilling was a former nerd, and went on to change himself. He was very admired at Enron. When he got Lasik surgery, everyone else did too. Skilling was responsible for making energy into a tradable entity and for his advocacy of mark-to-market accounting, which was the main tool for Enron’s earnings manipulation. Fastow was a very greedy man. He served as CFO of Enron. He was responsible for running numerous companies that partnered with Enron. He mainly worked to cover up the financial fantasy land that Lay and Skilling had created. He was hired before age 30 by Skilling to join Enron. He always idolized Skilling and wanted to please him. He ended up hiding about $30 billion in debt through his companies. In addition, he skimmed off many of the deals he made, using Enron stocks as collateral. Fastow did not have a strong moral compass, and would play to the greed of the investment banks. He would offer investment banks accounts for their silence. One analyst, John Olsen, star ted to question the firm, and weeks later, was fired by the investment bank because Fastow paid off the bank with big Enron accounts. 3.(a) Describe the organizational culture at Enron. (b) How did the organizational culture contribute to the Enron scandal? (15 points) The culture at Enron was very cut-throat and filled with greed. Money drove the company and its employees. In fact, even the elevators had displays of the stock prices. The company was overtaken by hubris as well. Everyone was on the bandwagon—the accounting firm, investors, executives, and employees. The entire company thought it was changing the world. Everyone was blinded by arrogance, greed, and money. Enron was always portrayed as a super power in the market. It was said that is someone wanted to be part of the market, they had to go through Enron. In addition, many employees, including Skilling, were former nerds and had something to prove. There was a very macho culture at Enron. Skilling would organize dangerous, macho trips for employees and big clients. The stories from these adventures became legend. One man almost died from a flipp ed Jeep. Stories like that were legendary in the office. The culture ultimately led Enron to scandal because of the ideas it had put into people’s heads—that money drove everything and cash was king. 4.(a) Describe the performance management/reward system at Enron. (b) How did the performance   management/reward system contribute to the Enron scandal? (20 points) The reward systems were big. The executives and employees were all fans of the â€Å"pump and dump† system in which the employees drove the stock prices up, and would them sell the stocks off. The company was consumed by stock prices, as stocks were a large part of the compensation structure at Enron. Even the elevators had stock prices posted, so people could be reminded daily that there was more money to be made. The cash bonuses were extravagant too. In fact, a 25-year-old made a $5 million bonus. Executives were given multi million dollar bonuses. In addition, to prevent anyone from raising any flags, Enron played on the greed of the outside accounting firm, Arthur Anderson, as well as law firms. In fact, in 2001, Arthur Anderson got $1 million a week to keep things quiet and go along with everything. The la w firm was paid off handsomely as well. Analysts at investment banks would never really look into things because of greed as well. Because of all the bonuses, outsiders turned a blind eye, as did employees, which ultimately gave way to the scandal that ensued. 5.(a) Describe the regulatory/oversight weaknesses for Enron. (b) How did the regulatory/oversight weaknesses contribute to the Enron scandal? (15 points) Enron sought to take advantage of the low level of government regulation and the hyper capitalism created by the reigning consumer culture of the time. The company was run by a group of intelligent individuals who recognized they could take advantage of the government failure of low regulation. Early on while working for Enron, Lay founded many friends within Congress, including the friendship of George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. The government helped in pork barrel legislation for the company, granting it even more power. In addition, Bush senior helped secure millions of subsidies for Enron and helped promote Ken Lay as ambassador of deregulation at large. In addition, even energy-specific regulators turned a blind eye. Pat Wood, chair of FERC, was recommended by Lay as chair, and would work with Enron in lack of government in tervention. Even the power plants in California were working with Enron at one point. Enron could call someone at a power plant and cause rolling blackouts in parts of California,  driving energy prices up. With support from the government and very low regulation and intervention, Enron had a clean path to scandal. 6.Describe three (3) specific ways, which are directly related to the above factors, that Enron-like scandals could be prevented in the future. (15 points) 1. Publically-traded companies should have a strong board of directors that oversees the company and does not have investment in the company. Greed drove Enron to do what it did, but a board of directors who has no stake in the company would be more objective and ethical in decision-making for the company. 2. There should be less compensation tied to stock performance, as that was a large incentive for fraud at Enron. People’s earnings were tied too closely to stock. 3. Analysts should be help more responsible for their actions. The investment banks they worked for got sued, but who’s to say the analysts who turned a blind eye ever got punished? They made the banks lots of money, so they probably kept their jobs and got a slap on the wrist. More consequence in the public eye would deter these actions in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Marks of a leader Essay -- essays papers

Marks of a leader Leadership is the ability to guide, direct, or influence people. A good leader can do all of this while maintaining the approval of the people that he or she is leading. Some people want a leader to take control and others want a leader that is more flexible and will allow them to have a say in what the leader does. Due to this, leadership depends a lot on the people being lead. A good leader needs to know what kind of people they are leading because that should effect how they lead. People do not respond to the same things. For example, my little brother absolutely needs a strict authority figure in order to operate because he will try to take advantage of a more democratic leader. I on the other hand, respond better to the more friendly democratic type of leader because when some one is trying to strictly lead me I get into a rebellious attitude, which hinders my performance, and the ability of my leader to lead. A good leader should show strength and compassion. I cannot even imagine what would happen if an Army General showed even the slightest bit of fear during a battle. The leader needs to hold the group together and keep them strong. A leader needs to do what needs to be done for the welfare of his followers. This is where things get tricky because most of the time the people being lead don’t know what is really the best thing for them. This makes the job of a leader very difficult because they need to decide whether to do...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nike vs Adidas Essay

Nikes business strategy In order to get a grasp of Nike and how its changing the world today with its innovative products, we must first take a glance at the history of the company and how it all began. Bill Bowerman was a nationally respected track and field coach at the University of Oregon and the founding father of Nike. Bill was always seeking to find ways in order to give his athletes a competitive advantage experiencing with track surfaces, energy drinks but most importantly- innovative running shoes. Nikes business strategy is committed to providing athletes around the world with innovative products and committed to serving athletes, rewarding shareholders and being an industry leader in the shoe market in particular. A golden handshake between Bil Bowerman and Phil knight began the era of Nike over 5 decades and what it is today. Nike has adopted a differentiation focus by implementing what Nike call a consumer focused category strategy. Nikes business strategy is committed to providing the most innovative products around the world to athletes and consumers across the globe. Nike carries an arsenal of products that allow the company to continue growth through increased market place capacity and penetration with decisions that involve outsourcing manufacturing to low-cost areas in the world, investing in research and development of innovative products and aggressive marketing strategies that are beyond conventional. Their consumer focused strategy enhances gives them great leveraging ability to deliver great product and elevated consumer experiences which will help grow the NIKE Brand.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Historical Exploration Essay

In spite of the long existing disagreement regarding the very term, nature, and scope of modernism, it is still considered as one of the most significant artistic-cultural events of the twentieth century (Poplawski, 2003). This paper will provide a historical overview of early modernism focusing on the ideologies, influences, and a glimpse on works of the renowned modernists – both in literature and the arts – who lived between the periods of 1871-1914. Most importantly, this paper will explore on how early modernism managed to establish itself as a canonical category for artists and academicians alike, based on the critical articulations noted about the period. Early Modernism: 1871-1914 One of the most distinct characteristics of early modernism as a movement is its deliberate separation from the forms, structural designs, and traditions of the ancient times (Ricca, n. d. ). It is also characterized by its emphasis on details which refines the singularities of the artist as an individual. It promotes personal style that is anti-public and it is perceived to be inclined towards external formlessness. In literature, there were three styles that emerged: naturalism, decadent, and expressionism. Naturalism put emphasis on social issues being faced by common people, especially women. The writers of this movement tried to be objective in analyzing the modern society. Ricca (n. d. ) noted that in interpreting these social upheavals, the early modernists tried to explore on different elements such as simplicity, color and geometrical forms. The decadent style, on the other hand, eliminated the concept of materialism and scrutinized scientific revolution. It associated the bourgeois society with mediocrity. One good example of decadent writers is Oscar Wilde who expressed in his writings approaches to modern life. In relation to countering the impacts of capitalism and bourgeois community, expressionism attempted to illustrate new ways of artistic expression. The literary works of Franz Kafka are good examples of expressionism. He put into question the traditional concepts of reality and demonstrated the proofs that an individual in the modern age is being victimized by his environment beyond his control. Saler (1999) noted that aside from the movement’s association with stylistic innovations, early modernism includes a wide range of conceptions regarding nature and the purpose of art. All around the globe, modern art is in the state of constant change. The economic and political upheavals gave the artists the inspiration to seek new means of artistic expression and this resulted to a number of modern art movements. In the field of art, one example that can be noted is Umberto Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity and Space. Boccioni was a well-known Futurist and he rejected the traditional concepts of the past and gave way to the new meanings of art through his artworks. Conclusion Modern art is usually perceived in the view of the modernists’ rejection of the conventional ideas and traditions of the past. Studies have shown that in order to understand well the true purpose of this movement, there is a greater need to look objectively into the social, political and historical influences that inspired early modernists. References: Early Modernism 1871-1914. Retrieved May 3, 2009, from www. class. uidaho. edu/engl210kt/Slides/Modernism%20to%20Postmodernism. ppt. Poplawski, P. (2003). Encyclopedia of Literary Modernism. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Ricca, K. (n. d. ) Early Modernism. Retrieved May 3, 2009, from gds. parkland. edu/gds/131online/presentations/EarlyModern. ppt Saler, M. T. (1999). The Avant-Garde in Interwar England: Medieval Modernism and the London Underground. New York: Oxford University Press.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Psychodynamic Analysis Paper essays

Psychodynamic Analysis Paper essays I fear pieces of Adolph Hitlers psychodynamic personality will forever remain a mystery. While researching Hitlers personal history for this paper, I noted that the psychological community has demonstrated significant interest in Hitlers personality since the late 1930s. Some have linked Hitlers psychopathic tendencies to traumatic childhood events, while others link his behavior to illnesses such as hysteria, paranoia, schizophrenia, and syphilis. The written documents that I researched agreed that Hitler had certain character traits that can easily be regarded as abnormal. Hitler was a feminine boy and small in stature. According to his memoirs in Mein Kampf, Hitler described his father as brutal towards his mother and he apparently disliked him. However, Hitler also revered his father for his strong personality, something which Hitler was not when he was younger. Hitler later overcame his subservient tendencies through the mass killings he perpetrated. These ghastly killings could have been caused in part from a desperate loathing of his own submissive weakness and the humiliations of being beaten by his father, if, in fact, he truly was the recipient of said beatings. Some have suggested that his mother, of whom he was very fond, had received the beatings and he was unable to rescue her from her plight. Hitler was said to have been close to his mother and was devastated by her death. The possibility stands that Hitler became the menace he was through his attempt to emulate his fathers masculine power and to conquer his feminine submissiveness and weakness, which he learned from his mother. In short, Hitler did not become the man he hated and feared; rather he became someone strong enough to conquer his fears. On entering politics, Hitler made a strenuous effort to renounce all that was weak and effeminate in his own personality and to identify himself with a new and ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

4 Strategies for Bouncing Back from Rejection

4 Strategies for Bouncing Back from Rejection Rejection sucks. I am still sad about my unsuccessful audition to sing the National Anthem at a Mets game, and that cattle call try-out was four years ago! Fortunately, it didnt dissuade me from pursuing a professional music career; being a music major did that much earlier. But when it comes to applying and interviewing for office jobs, its been much more important for me to weather the blow to my ego and keep moving forward.Here are some tips to help you be more resilient as you wade into the unforgiving waters of the job market.1. Know the OddsEvery corporate job may receive anywhere from 100 to 250 applications, and possibly more if its an in-demand position or industry. When The Toast put out a call for a new editorial assistant, they received 750 applications in 12 hours. Big companies use filtering software to look for keywords; smaller ones uses HR managers with quick instincts for a good fit vs a poor one. So remember that while your odds are just one in many.Manage your exp ectations up front, and youll find the disappointment is proportionally much less than when you imagine you have been personally rejected (instead of ruled out through arbitrary classifications like not using synergy enough in your cover letter) (I am kidding. Never use synergy.)2. Dont Fall In LoveWhile initially this may seem as harsh as dont cry out loud, it follows the theme of managing expectations. Even if this is your dream job or you received an immediate response from the hiring manager after you submitted your application, or the interview felt like walking into the Cheers bar and you were Norm, dont start imagining yourself getting comfortable in a future hypothetical office- keep a cool head. Youll need it when its time to talk salary and benefits.3. Ask for FeedbackThis one can be dicey, because often recruiters or hiring managers wont have time to provide this. But if you had a good interview that didnt pan out into a job, you can feel comfortable responding to a rejec tion email with a polite thank you (for their time) and then asking for feedback on your candidacy or why they chose someone else.The graciousness of this step cannot be exaggerated- this semester, I interviewed for a teaching job but was told that class had been filled, only to have the department director email me again two days later to say a different (better!) class had opened up. If I had replied to the initial rejection with anything but, Thanks so much for the opportunity, I hope youll keep me in mind for future classes and I look forward to the chance to work together in the future, I might not have received the later offer.4. You Dont Get the Job, the Job Gets YouMy favorite way to make this mental flip is to think about the office culture in existence. Imagine that youre a current employee faced with the prospect of a new hire like yourself. What do you bring to the table, besides your experience? You want to work in a place that appreciates all of those things- for the r ight job, you will be the candidate with the best experience, best attitude, and brightest potential. If they dont think youre that person, why would you want to work there anyway.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tourism and the environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism and the environment - Essay Example The relationship between environment tourism on climate change means how the environment and tourism are both interrelated and interdependent. The changes that are brought by climate change affect both tourism and environment. Tourism provides a link between economic development and the environment. Tourism being an industry earns or generates income. This income can be converted to protect and conserve scenic and biologically valuable areas. It can further generate visitor payback into the management of these areas thus economic fragile communities.The success of tourism depend on environment. When the environment deteriorates due to climate change tourism also decline. Overtime the relationship between environment and tourism has developed. Tourism industry impacts environment both negatively and positively. The environment is impacted negatively by the release of untreated liquid waste from the activities of hotels and restaurants. Further air and noise emissions produced from tourism industry impact the environment. The noise is generated from the coastal constructions which are used to host tourists. Once these constructions are on dust is emitted which eventually settles on coastal waters affecting the marine environment. However, tourism industry as well contributes to the environment positively. The development of appropriate and new technologies has been a result of tourism-environment interaction. For instance beaches and hotels have to develop new technology of hygiene so as to meet the internationally accepted environmental standards. Further revenues and taxes derived from tourist related activities provide for the preservation and protection of natural resources like forests. Tourism can sometimes provide impetus for the conservation of natural resources. For example the development of Graeme bird sanctuary in Barbados. 6 Nature heritage tourism contributes to the conservation of natural resources and promotes socio-economic advancement of local communities. This may drive a sense of ownership and empowerment among the nationals.7 Therefore tourism and environment play a key role in the development and growth of a nation. In the recent years tourism has become the main industry that earns large income to those nations that maintain this industry. It also contributes to the maintenance of our environment. However, tourism and environment can only contribute to sustainability if all measures are taken to curb climate change which negatively impacts the two. Section 2: Background Information Global climate change is probably the most severe threat to our environment and tourism industry. In particular tourism is the largest

Friday, November 1, 2019

Cmplaint letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cmplaint letter - Essay Example I then went to my home country to start my process of applying for a graduate school scholarship from the government. In addition, my application to be a non-business degree student in Business school for one semester was approved. Moreover, I was planning to start my GMAT course as full student in Bridge English center as I waited for my official transcript and completion letter to get the scholarship considering the fact that my non-degree course as well as my GMAT course would be catered for. On 11 August 2010, I checked smart system and to my surprise , I learnt that I got an â€Å" I † in Organizational Design, MGMT 4370. This was because my instructor had no grade recorded for the three case studies. However, I had done all the three case studies, two of which she marked and gave back to me. In fact, I have them with me. As for the third case study, we were supposed to have completed and handed it in on the last day of the class, which I did. Unfortunately, I did not make my own copy – I just printed it and handed it in. Attached are all emails, the two case studies that she marked and the transcript. I am aware that she changed the grade later, but she did it so late that I lost the aforementioned opportunities. I now cannot get acceptance in graduate school next spring, owing to a fault that I never committed. I am extremely disappointed! I would greatly appreciate if you would kindly address this